- 规格:ADVUL-40-25-P-A
- 是否标准件:否
- 材质:
- 标准类型:
- 标准编号:
- 品牌:FESTO费斯托
- 表面处理:
- 等级/硬度:
- 螺纹类型:
- 内径:
- 外径:
- 厚度:
- 新旧程度:全新
- 主要用途:气动
- 产地/厂家:
- 加工产品范围:
孤山寺北贾亭西,水面初平云脚低。 —— 白居易《钱塘湖春行》
156888 ADVUL-40-25-P-A费斯托紧凑型气缸
Festo > Pneumatic & Electric Automation
Pneumatic drives
Cylinders with piston rod
Compact, short stroke and flat cylinder
Compact cylinders ADVUL
紧凑型气缸 ADVUL 位置感测,带防止活塞杆转动的导柱
---- 基本特性 ----
缸径:40 mm
行程:25 mm
缓冲:P 弹性缓冲环/板
位置感测:A 用于接近式感测
156888 ADVUL-40-25-P-A
君自故乡来,应知故乡事。 —— 王维《杂诗三首·其二》
156888 ADVUL-40-25-P-A费斯托紧凑型气缸
德国费斯托 紧凑型气缸 气驱动器 FESTO 活塞杆气缸 执行机构 阀门 传感器 气缸
Festo - Pneumatic & Electric Automation
Cylinder, Actuator, Drive, Valve, Sensor and Compressed Air
Compact, short stroke and flat cylinder
Compact cylinders ADVUL
紧凑型气缸 ADVUL
---- 型号列举 ----
156844 ADVUL-12-5-P-A
156845 ADVUL-12-10-P-A
156846 ADVUL-12-15-P-A
156847 ADVUL-12-20-P-A
156848 ADVUL-12-25-P-A
156849 ADVUL-12-30-P-A
156850 ADVUL-12-40-P-A
156851 ADVUL-16-5-P-A
156852 ADVUL-16-10-P-A
156853 ADVUL-16-15-P-A
156854 ADVUL-16-20-P-A
156855 ADVUL-16-25-P-A
156856 ADVUL-16-30-P-A
156857 ADVUL-16-40-P-A
156858 ADVUL-20-5-P-A
156859 ADVUL-20-10-P-A
156860 ADVUL-20-15-P-A
156861 ADVUL-20-20-P-A
156862 ADVUL-20-25-P-A
156863 ADVUL-20-30-P-A
156864 ADVUL-20-40-P-A
156865 ADVUL-20-50-P-A
156866 ADVUL-25-5-P-A
156867 ADVUL-25-10-P-A
156868 ADVUL-25-15-P-A
156869 ADVUL-25-20-P-A
156870 ADVUL-25-25-P-A
156871 ADVUL-25-30-P-A
156872 ADVUL-25-40-P-A
156873 ADVUL-25-50-P-A
156874 ADVUL-32-5-P-A
156875 ADVUL-32-10-P-A
156876 ADVUL-32-15-P-A
156877 ADVUL-32-20-P-A
156878 ADVUL-32-25-P-A
156879 ADVUL-32-30-P-A
156880 ADVUL-32-40-P-A
156881 ADVUL-32-50-P-A
156882 ADVUL-32-60-P-A
156883 ADVUL-32-80-P-A
156884 ADVUL-40-5-P-A
156885 ADVUL-40-10-P-A
156886 ADVUL-40-15-P-A
156887 ADVUL-40-20-P-A
156888 ADVUL-40-25-P-A
156889 ADVUL-40-30-P-A
156890 ADVUL-40-40-P-A
156891 ADVUL-40-50-P-A
156892 ADVUL-40-60-P-A
156893 ADVUL-40-80-P-A
156894 ADVUL-50-10-P-A
156895 ADVUL-50-15-P-A
156896 ADVUL-50-20-P-A
156897 ADVUL-50-25-P-A
156898 ADVUL-50-30-P-A
156899 ADVUL-50-40-P-A
156900 ADVUL-50-50-P-A
156901 ADVUL-50-60-P-A
156902 ADVUL-50-80-P-A
156903 ADVUL-63-10-P-A
156904 ADVUL-63-15-P-A
156905 ADVUL-63-20-P-A
156906 ADVUL-63-25-P-A
156907 ADVUL-63-30-P-A
156908 ADVUL-63-40-P-A
156909 ADVUL-63-50-P-A
156910 ADVUL-63-60-P-A
156911 ADVUL-63-80-P-A
156912 ADVUL-80-10-P-A
156913 ADVUL-80-15-P-A
156914 ADVUL-80-20-P-A
156915 ADVUL-80-25-P-A
156916 ADVUL-80-30-P-A
156917 ADVUL-80-40-P-A
156918 ADVUL-80-50-P-A
156919 ADVUL-80-60-P-A
156920 ADVUL-80-80-P-A
156921 ADVUL-100-10-P-A
156922 ADVUL-100-15-P-A
156923 ADVUL-100-20-P-A
156924 ADVUL-100-25-P-A
156925 ADVUL-100-30-P-A
156926 ADVUL-100-40-P-A
156927 ADVUL-100-50-P-A
156928 ADVUL-100-60-P-A
156929 ADVUL-100-80-P-A
多情只有春庭月,犹为离人照落花。 —— 张泌《寄人》
183383 ADVUL-12-5-P-A-CT
183384 ADVUL-12-10-P-A-CT
183385 ADVUL-12-15-P-A-CT
183386 ADVUL-12-20-P-A-CT
183388 ADVUL-16-5-P-A-CT
183389 ADVUL-16-10-P-A-CT
183390 ADVUL-16-15-P-A-CT
183391 ADVUL-16-20-P-A-CT
183393 ADVUL-20-5-P-A-CT
183394 ADVUL-20-10-P-A-CT
183395 ADVUL-20-15-P-A-CT
183396 ADVUL-20-20-P-A-CT
183398 ADVUL-25-5-P-A-CT
183399 ADVUL-25-10-P-A-CT
183400 ADVUL-25-15-P-A-CT
183401 ADVUL-25-20-P-A-CT
183403 ADVUL-32-5-P-A-CT
183404 ADVUL-32-10-P-A-CT
183405 ADVUL-32-15-P-A-CT
183406 ADVUL-32-20-P-A-CT
183408 ADVUL-40-5-P-A-CT
183409 ADVUL-40-10-P-A-CT
183410 ADVUL-40-15-P-A-CT
183411 ADVUL-40-20-P-A-CT
野径云俱黑,江船火独明。 —— 杜甫《春夜喜雨》
156888 ADVUL-40-25-P-A费斯托紧凑型气缸
德国费斯托 紧凑型气缸 气驱动器 FESTO 活塞杆气缸 执行机构 阀门 传感器 气缸
Festo - Pneumatic & Electric Automation
Cylinder, Actuator, Drive, Valve, Sensor and Compressed Air
Compact, short stroke and flat cylinder
Compact cylinders DPCS
紧凑型气缸 DPCS(标准型气缸 DPCS)
---- 型号列举 ----
1496910 DPCS-12-5-F-P
1496780 DPCS-12-5-F-PA
1496832 DPCS-12-5-P
1496872 DPCS-12-5-PA
1497103 DPCS-12-5-SF-P
1497088 DPCS-12-5-SF-PA
1497069 DPCS-12-5-SF-PA-F
1496838 DPCS-12-10-F-P
1496869 DPCS-12-10-F-PA
1496787 DPCS-12-10-P
1496887 DPCS-12-10-PA
1497082 DPCS-12-10-SF-P
1497060 DPCS-12-10-SF-PA
1497079 DPCS-12-10-SF-PA-F
1496854 DPCS-12-15-F-P
1496866 DPCS-12-15-F-PA
1496795 DPCS-12-15-P
1496881 DPCS-12-15-PA
1496849 DPCS-12-20-F-P
1496905 DPCS-12-20-F-PA
1496794 DPCS-12-20-P
1496880 DPCS-12-20-PA
1496826 DPCS-12-25-F-P
1496889 DPCS-12-25-F-PA
1496904 DPCS-12-25-P
1496874 DPCS-12-25-PA
1496852 DPCS-12-30-F-P
1496842 DPCS-12-30-F-PA
1496835 DPCS-12-30-P
1496917 DPCS-12-30-PA
1484520 DPCS-16-5-F-P
1484345 DPCS-16-5-F-PA
1484509 DPCS-16-5-P
1484372 DPCS-16-5-PA
1484183 DPCS-16-5-SF-P
1484175 DPCS-16-5-SF-PA
1484489 DPCS-16-10-F-P
1484452 DPCS-16-10-F-PA
1484471 DPCS-16-10-P
1484368 DPCS-16-10-PA
1484204 DPCS-16-10-SF-P
1484177 DPCS-16-10-SF-PA
闻君有两意,故来相决绝。 —— 卓文君《白头吟》
---- 型号列举 ----
156593 ADVU-16-5-A-P-A
156507 ADVU-16-5-P-A
156594 ADVU-16-10-A-P-A
156508 ADVU-16-10-P-A
156595 ADVU-16-15-A-P-A
156509 ADVU-16-15-P-A
156596 ADVU-16-20-A-P-A
156510 ADVU-16-20-P-A
156597 ADVU-16-25-A-P-A
156511 ADVU-16-25-P-A
156598 ADVU-16-30-A-P-A
156512 ADVU-16-30-P-A
156599 ADVU-16-40-A-P-A
156513 ADVU-16-40-P-A
156600 ADVU-20-5-A-P-A
156514 ADVU-20-5-P-A
156601 ADVU-20-10-A-P-A
156515 ADVU-20-10-P-A
156602 ADVU-20-15-A-P-A
156516 ADVU-20-15-P-A
156603 ADVU-20-20-A-P-A
156517 ADVU-20-20-P-A
156604 ADVU-20-25-A-P-A
156518 ADVU-20-25-P-A
156605 ADVU-20-30-A-P-A
156519 ADVU-20-30-P-A
156606 ADVU-20-40-A-P-A
156520 ADVU-20-40-P-A
156607 ADVU-20-50-A-P-A
156521 ADVU-20-50-P-A
156608 ADVU-25-5-A-P-A
156522 ADVU-25-5-P-A
156609 ADVU-25-10-A-P-A
156523 ADVU-25-10-P-A
156610 ADVU-25-15-A-P-A
156524 ADVU-25-15-P-A
156611 ADVU-25-20-A-P-A
156525 ADVU-25-20-P-A
156612 ADVU-25-25-A-P-A
156526 ADVU-25-25-P-A
156613 ADVU-25-30-A-P-A
156527 ADVU-25-30-P-A
156614 ADVU-25-40-A-P-A
156528 ADVU-25-40-P-A
156615 ADVU-25-50-A-P-A
156529 ADVU-25-50-P-A
156616 ADVU-32-5-A-P-A
156530 ADVU-32-5-P-A
156617 ADVU-32-10-A-P-A
156531 ADVU-32-10-P-A
156618 ADVU-32-15-A-P-A
156532 ADVU-32-15-P-A
156619 ADVU-32-20-A-P-A
156533 ADVU-32-20-P-A
156620 ADVU-32-25-A-P-A
156534 ADVU-32-25-P-A
156621 ADVU-32-30-A-P-A
156535 ADVU-32-30-P-A
156622 ADVU-32-40-A-P-A
156536 ADVU-32-40-P-A
156623 ADVU-32-50-A-P-A
156537 ADVU-32-50-P-A
156624 ADVU-32-60-A-P-A
156538 ADVU-32-60-P-A
156625 ADVU-32-80-A-P-A
156539 ADVU-32-80-P-A
日长篱落无人过,惟有蜻蜓蛱蝶飞。 —— 范成大《四时田园杂兴·其二》